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Guestbook Entries (2970)

You are awesome and I read Fairest and it's as awesome as you are. I also read Ella Enchanted and was surprised when Hattie became Ella's stepsister!!! Can you ever have time to write a story about Areda? Aza is like me kind of... but I listened to the audio book, too and sometimes it is confusing.Thanks!
# 10 - Lady Aza LOVER!!!!!! 10/04/2010 - 02:11 - City: - State: - Country:
Hello Mrs Gail,
When I was younger (I'm thirteen now) I would pick out a book that I thought I would enjoy. When I was in 2nd grade it was Princess tales, then in 3rd Dave at night and Ella Enchanted, 4th Fairest, and your other books. The thing was though I never looked for your books I just looked for interesting books. I always enjoy your stories. When you came to a bookstore near me I came and bought Ever and Writing Magic. I recently started writing a book. So far it's 12 pages on MS word. I feel like I've been writing hundreds of pages and haven't been getting anywhere. My friends are saying that it's amazing and original. I really want to get it published. I was reading Writing Magic and just felt like I wanted to write a letter to you so here it is.
Your fan,
# 9 - Emily 10/03/2010 - 21:05 - City: - State: - Country:
Thank you i have already ordered the book.
Oh and out of curiosity a few times my work has had bad reviews how do i handle that type of stuff.
# 8 - Savanna Johnson 10/02/2010 - 18:17 - City: midlothian - State: va - Country: USA
Savanna--I recommend the chapter on writer's block in my book, WRITING MAGIC. Also, search my blog on the subject for more help.
# 7 - Gail Carson Levine 10/02/2010 - 17:52 - City: - State: - Country:
Hy Mrs Carson Levine

I love your book and if you have read my past post you would have seen that you are my favorite writer of all time and that I'm in a creative writing class at my high- school
Right now i'm having major writers block and i have to present it on thursday at a group workshop and most of my previse small work i don't feel anything for. Pleases help me! :-);-)
# 6 - Savanna Johnson 10/02/2010 - 17:35 - City: midlothian - State: va - Country: USA

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