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Anya, I'm delighted ELLA meant so much to you! I think a lot of people are struggling right now. When you asked for advice, the idea that popped up is what I do: Imitate Mandy and do your own small good magic as much and as often as you can.
# 2980 - Gail Carson Levine 03/05/2025 - 15:31 - City: - State: - Country:
hi Gail. obviously ella enchanted was imprinted on my brain ever since i watched it as a 4 year old in moscow. you did an amazing job as an artist inspiring so many people around the world and because of the impact it had on me as a child i return back to it for answers. as a philosophy major i apologize in advance for my questions, but i find myself confused in life at this moment, and come to you for some kind of existential relief. how does one remain clear of the evil that surrounds us and stay inspired for a “better” future? i seem to be enchanted in all the wrong ways and taken advantage of constantly. i dont see myself as weak person but rather a servant of good will that keeps getting tricked. it almost seems like life wants me to turn evil in order to survive. if you do have any advice, even if its not practical, i would love to hear it.
thank you and may your light never fade!
# 2979 - anya 03/05/2025 - 14:39 - City: los angeles - State: - Country:
My third grade teacher read Ella Enchanted to my class during storytime. I was absolutely enchanted, as it were. I looked forward to the next chapter every day. Later, a family friend who was a teacher allowed me to pick books here and there from the extras she had piled up in her garage. I ended up needing two copies of Ella Enchanted, because the first one got worn to shreds. I never got tired of reading it, and to this day, it's the book I've reread the most times by far. I wanted to be Ella badly. The classic illustration on the cover gazed back at me, reflecting the wisdom, humor and confidence of the girl within. Her highs and lows felt like mine because she felt like me. As I grew up, coincidentally, I cultivated an interest in foreign language and linguistics.

Ella was my nearest and dearest, but I also read and loved Fairest, Ever, The Two Princesses of Bamarre and The Princess Tales. Many years later, working in a bookstore, I nabbed an advance copy of Ogre Enchanted, pleased to see that you were still writing great books.

Thank you for bringing magic to little girls everywhere.
# 2978 - Valerie 02/24/2025 - 22:47 - City: - State: - Country: United States
Dear Gail, I am currently reading Ella Enchanted again as an adult (with my original from the 90s!) while my 9 year old daughter reads her own copy. I am enjoying revisiting Ella’s world after all these years and seeing my daughter enjoy it for the first time makes it even better. Thank you for such a wonderful story.
# 2977 - Samantha Kaschalk 02/24/2025 - 03:55 - City: - State: - Country: United States
I wanted to share with you that The Two Princesses of Bamarre meant so much to me as a kid, I have the edge of the book tattooed on my arm. Thank you for creating such a wonderful world for us to escape into! Your work means so much to me.
# 2976 - Nori Hassell 02/19/2025 - 23:44 - City: Mackinac Island - State: Michigan - Country: United States
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