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Guestbook Entries (2954)

Dear Gail Carson Levine,

Hello! My name is Becca. I'm not sure exactly when I found your books for the first time... I was making another wearisome round at the library, I'm sure, looking at all the books I'd already read and all the books I'd already found weren't worth reading.
And then I found Ella Enchanted. It has been, ever since, one of my favorites, along with Peter Pan and Holes. I'm not sure which of these I've read the most. And my favorite of the three seems to change based on which one I've read most recently. :)
I've been an aspiring writer even longer than I've been an avid reader, and your style has often influenced mine. Or, rather, I wish it did, but my writing just ends up sounding like me. But I'm okay with that - I believe we are each given our own voice to share our unique stories.
And I want to share my stories... So I write all this with a question: what steps do you recommend for publishing a book? I have done some research, which has only prompted more questions: How do I find a trustworthy agent? How do you know a work is worthy of publication? Can an author stipulate how they would like their story illustrated? Will publishers honor the intent of the author? Do you have any particular agents or publishing companies that you recommend?
I know you are quite busy with your own writing, but if ever you have a chance to help me know where to start, I'd sure appreciate it!

Grateful for your work,

P.S. I read somewhere that you grew up reading Louisa May Alcott and L.M. Montgomery? I didn't know anyone but myself still read their works! My favorites of Alcott's are Eight Cousins and Rose in Bloom. As for Montgomery, I always liked her short stories about random characters of Avonlea better than the Anne of Green Gables series. What are your favorites by these authors?
# 2954 - Becca 07/06/2024 - 18:42 - City: Reliance - State: SD - Country: United States
Dear Gail Carson Levine,
I don't know if you will ever see this, but I wanted to thank you. Writing Magic really helped inspire me to become an author. None of my books have been published yet, and I'm having some trouble with revision. I'm revising book two in the series, and I just really feel like I have to make the writing in the second draft great since I'm revising and revision is to make your book better. I keep (after writing a scene cuz I have some major revisions) rewriting the scene with better writing and it's becoming tedious. I also hate revising. I really need some help and some revision tips. Some days I'm just so bored with writing. Really hope you can help me.
P.S. Is this even the right place to post these writing problems? I'm not sure. This is the only place I found so...
# 2953 - Bella 07/01/2024 - 09:15 - City: - State: - Country:
David, I'm sorry this happened to your partner. How would you like to replace the letter?
# 2952 - Gail Carson Levine 06/28/2024 - 23:48 - City: - State: - Country:
Dear Gail-Carson Levine,

I'm David! I am writing to you in hopes you might could help me with something. My partner recently told me that she received a handwritten letter from you as a child, and it was her favorite present she has ever received.

Unfortunately, a few years ago her apartment flooded, with your letter and many other things lost to this. I would really like to replace this letter if it is at all possible. Thank you so much for your time!
# 2951 - David Haynes 06/28/2024 - 23:13 - City: Birmingham - State: Alabama - Country: United States
Dear Gail Carson-Levine,
Some time ago I had written to you to discuss your wonderful stories. I had also mentioned my ambitions to have my own stories published someday. I have an update: A literary magazine accepted my fantasy novelette, and it'll be published in their next issue! I wanted to thank you and your work for filling me with the motivation to press on.
- Noah
# 2950 - Noah 06/10/2024 - 23:50 - City: Montgomery County - State: Pennsylvania - Country: USA
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