
© 1999 Mark Elliott
This hand-sized volume features delicate black-and-white line drawings that are very much in keeping with the tone of many fairy tales, but those familiar with Levine's Ella Enchanted will wisely expect, and be gratified by, the sly and unexpected foolery of this story and its companion, The Princess Test...Genuinely delightful and funny, both tales are set in the village of Snettering-on-Snoakes in the Kingdom of Biddle, a place readers will want to visit again.
Kirkus Reviews
The author of Ella Enchanted revisits similar territory in these first two installments of The Princess Tales series. Extended spoofs of the Grimms' "Toads and Diamonds" and Andersen's "The Princess and the Pea," the stories feature characters with names such as Humphrey, Sam, Leonard, and Ethelinda. The action and dialogue, likewise, are down-to-earth and dryly humorous.
Horn Book