Like all of Levine’s heroines, Evie is complex, career oriented, and likable as she bears up under seriously extraordinary pressures.
With enough grotesqueries to satisfy the most transgressive tastes of juvenile humor and enough light romance to balance the scales,
this trips lightly over a wide range of emotional appeals.
Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books
Longtime fans and new readers alike will devour this.
This prequel to the Newbery Honor Book Ella Enchanted (1997) is a clever, lighthearted spin on Beauty and the Beast that features a heroine
more than capable of choosing her own path. Readers new and old to Levine's world will find much to love.
Levine does an excellent job of getting into the mind of an ogre (Evie is
overwhelmed by a sudden aversion to vegetables in all forms), and although the
plot’s many strands are wide-ranging, she brings them together for a satisfying
Horn Book