7/18/24 Homework

  • Your main character is the friend everyone goes to when they’re unhappy. Your main character is keeping more secrets than they have fingers and toes combined. But two secrets don’t add up. Someone is lying, and someone is going to get hurt. Have them delve into the thoughts and feelings of her friends to find out what’s really going on.
  • Take a minor bad characteristic, maybe something that drives you crazy when someone does it. For example, could be tickling people whether they want to be tickled or not. Make it bigger and write a scene or a whole story about someone who learns to stop or who becomes a villain and does it even more.
  • Your main character, who’s been captured by the enemy, is held in a stone fortress. (You decide what the war is about.) They have a candle and a lady’s fan, determination, resourcefulness, and a bad habit of becoming distracted and losing focus. Have them escape or fail to escape.
  • Write “Little Red Riding Hood” from the point of view of the wolf. Make him the hero. Grandma or Little Red is the villain. 

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