I’m interrupting the flow of the post to announce that The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre is out! When you read it, please let me know what you think.
It’s also the twentieth anniversary of Ella, which is crazy.
And I’m touring for both, and at almost every signing there have been blog people, whom I’ve been so happy to meet. One more signing to go, this one next week in Petaluma, California. If you can, come!
Melissa Mead says:
Gail Carson Levine says:
Thank you!
Christie V Powell says:
Awesome! Congrats.
Gail Carson Levine says:
Tabi says:
my friend is writing a story and she her protagonist has a friend who is a guy, they aren’t in love but when asked my brother and i said their relationship seemed like it would most likely be romantic. I feel like my friend is having trouble writing more in that story because of this problem. Do you have any ideas for how she could make them seem like just friends?
Veralidaine Sarrasri says:
I loved The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre! It was so intricate written, and had so many ties to The Two Princess of Bamarre, like the poem at the end, and Drualt, and so on . . . I loved it so much!
Gail Carson Levine says:
I’m so glad you loved it! You are among the first to have read it. You are a leading indicator! Thanks for letting me know!
Jem Jones says:
Hooray, you have a new book out!! I definitely have to get my hands on The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre; Two Princesses was such a good book. It had a slightly different feel to your others, I thought? but I LOVED it.
Gail Carson Levine says:
Let me know what you think.
Kiersten says:
I just got your book today -The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre and couldn’t put it down until I finished it. It was absolutely amazing and brought back so many memories from the original! I loved learning a little more of the backstory of Bamarre and getting to know more about Drualt which was awesome, also learning where the original quote “Step follows step” came from. I just loved it in its entirety. Thank you so much for writing it.
Olivia karstens says:
You came to our school yesterday, prairie elementary. And I’m already reading it (but only on the fifth page) and I’m so exited to creep reading! You write amazing books, Im making my dad take me today to get my own copy!!! Your amazing thanks so much for making reading so much better for me
~Olivia Karstens
Gail Carson Levine says:
I’m delighted you’re enjoying the book and so glad you wrote to me! I had a great time at your school!
Olivia says:
You came to our school yesterday, prairie elementary. And I’m already reading it (but only on the fifth page) and I’m so exited to creep reading! You write amazing books, Im making my dad take me today to get my own copy!!! Your amazing thanks so much for making reading so much better for me
~Olivia Karstens
Samantha says:
Yay!!! I can’t wait to read it! Thanks so much Mrs. Levine, for bringing your awesome literature into our world!
Gail Carson Levine says:
Oh, thank you!
Poppie says:
Congrats on the release, I can’t wait to read it!
Another congratulations on the Ella Enchanted 20th anniversary…it was a great book then, and a great book now. : )
Gail Carson Levine says:
Thank you! It’s hard to believe that twenty years have gone by! I’m glad you think it’s stood the test of time.
Christie V Powell says:
Have you heard of the Tucson Festival of Books? It’s a super awesome gathering each March in Arizona. I couldn’t figure out how to contact them to ask them to invite you, but maybe your agent could?
Jenalyn Barton says:
Yay! I’ll have to see if our library has it so I can read it!
Lauren M Croke says:
20 years of Ella Enchanted?! That’s madness! One of my favorite books (and movies…) ever. I heard you’re going to be in Millbrook for the literary festival on Saturday – I work at the Millbrook Library, so maybe I’ll get to pop over and see your poetry presentation on my lunch break!
Gail Carson Levine says:
I hope you’ll stop by!
Bookfanatic102 says:
I just got The lost kingdom of Bamarre at the library my sister brought it to me and I had to do everything I could to keep from squealing I started reading and so far I love it I have no doubt that I will like the rest of it because I have loved all of your books at least all the ones i’ve read and my favorite book is The two princesses of Bamarre I want to be a writer when I grow up and The two princesses of Bamarre is what inspired me to start writing now.
P.S. I used a fake name because i’m not allowed to give my real name online.
P.S.S. I love your books!
Gail Carson Levine says:
It’s fine to use a fake name. Thanks for letting me know! Good luck with your writing!