Is There A Problem?

A mid-week post to ask if people are having trouble posting to the blog. Welliewalks posted to the guestbook page on my website because she couldn’t get through. If you’re having a problem too, would you also let me know on my guestbook page? If no problem, please post to the blog. If something is wrong we’ll get right on it. I love to hear from you!

  1. It's working for me… at least now… I know sometimes Blogger goes all wonky and things disappear. Last week my "Followers" gadget was gone, but it came back. Maybe it was something similar.

  2. There was a problem last week, a message came up saying that there had been an error and that posting was not allowed at the current time or something like that but all is well now. The only real problem was that I'm having trouble finding time to comment on here πŸ™‚

  3. Blogger's been having lots of problems since they were down a few weeks ago doing updates (and then couldn't get the site back up again). Hopefully they are still working on all these little issues and things will run more smoothly soon. πŸ™‚

  4. Gail, I noticed on your website that this is one of the fastest ways to contact you. I'd send my request through your agent, but it's not a school or personal visit request.

    I have a friend who is a fan of yours. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She's 35 yrs old and in the last three weeks has had a mastectomy and chemotherapy. But she's doing her best to remain upbeat and positive. She's chronicling her journey beating cancer on her blog: and recently gave me that link to share. I'm trying to raise money for them to help pay the medical expenses by selling my books and ebooks this summer, but that's not why I'm contacting you.

    Rebecca's a fan. If you check out her blog, you'll see she lists her "Absolute Favorite Books" and on that list is anything by Gail Carson Levine. I've been thinking ever since I saw that that something that would really lift her spirits is a personalized, signed book from you. If you are interested, I'd certainly pay for it. Please email me at Thanks so much for listening (reading). πŸ™‚

  5. Gail (do I call you that?), Mrs.Levine, your are AWESOME! How in the world do you write this? I love to write,(to be an author is one of my dearest ambitions,) and am possibly the best in my grade, but I still can't fathom how awesome at it you are! πŸ™‚ You're my favorite fantasy author, ever, except for maybe Chris Paolini,J.K Rowling, and Rick Riordan. I love to read too. I was shopping with my mom at Barnes and Noble, and I came across all of your books, I picked out just one; Fairest. I'm re-reading it, and it gives me the thrill and suspense as if i was reading it for the first time. You are amazing at what you do! πŸ™‚ (don't look at the icon, or blog, they're old and embarrassing.)

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